The Rates

The annual registration fee is €75.

You will be asked for any new registration to provide a deposit check for the amount of one month’s childcare costs for a full year and before CAF assistance.

This check is cashed in order to reserve your child’s place. It will not be returned to you in the event of withdrawal before the start of the contract.

Invoices are spread over the year of the contract, which runs from 1/09 / N to 31/08 / N + 1.

The prices include the costs of exchange (ecological diapers, liniment and washable washcloths for single use), lunch and afternoon meals delivered daily, bottled water, costs for entertainment equipment, crafts and gardening.

The CMG : a financial help from CAF for the payment of places in micro-crèche

In general, the assistance offered by CAF (Caisse des Allocations Familiales) is diverse and varied.
Regarding childcare in micro-crèches, which are attracting more and more parents, the best-known resource to date is the CMG.

What is CMG and how do I get it?

First of all, the CMG stands for Complément de libre choix du Mode de Garde and is part of La Prestation d’accueil du Jeune enfant (Paje).
It is in fact a CAF aid that helps finance part of the costs of childcare in micro-crèche.
Thus, parents who prefer this type of establishment can apply for the CMG.
As part of a registration in a micro-crèche, parents must advance all costs.
The part corresponding to the amount of the CMG is then reimbursed to them by CAF.
Namely, there is always a minimum of 15% of childcare costs payable by parents.

As for the amount of the CMG, it depends on several variables.

It appears that the calculation of this aid is based on socio-economic criteria such as :

  • the family situation of the requesting parents (number of dependent children) ;
  • the age of the child (or children) ;
  • the resources of parents requesting the allowance.

In addition, it is imperative to meet three criteria to obtain the CMG :
  • a micro-crèche whose pricing does not exceed 10 euros per hour ;
  • the child must be under six years of age ;
  • the duration of the period of custody must be at least 16 hours per month.

The Tax Credit and the Tax Certificate

Each family can claim a tax credit equal to 50% of the expenses incurred for the care of your child under the age of 6 on January 1.

The expenditure limit is equal to € 3.500 per child.

You will therefore be entitled to a tax credit of € 1.750 per year.

Where can I get my tax certificate ?

To retrieve your tax certificate, log on to the CAF site, your account ‘Mon Compte’ > suivre mes démarches > courriers / courriels sur or in the application Caf-Mon Compte.