Montessori Approach


The child learns through his own activity, drawing culture from his own environment

The educational axes implemented contribute to the development and awakening of the child
Respect for the rhythm and individuality of each child
in order to allow them to fulfill themselves from an individual point of view while respecting their rhythm in physical and psychological security.

The child discovers an environment designed to support them in their learning.

The activities are made available to them with the possibility for everyone to choose them and use them for as long as they want.

This makes it possible to satisfy their interests for the time necessary for the construction of the psyche according to the rhythm specific to each one.
Support towards their socialization and openness to the world

Learn to live together.

The mixing of ages within the structure aims to promote exchange and emulation between the youngest and their elders, to provide them with the keys to harmonious social behavior.

This cohabitation promotes mutual aid, mutual respect and exchanges between children.

Learning autonomy
The general atmosphere of the nursery is geared towards constantly encouraging the child to be free to experiment and develop his potential through spontaneous learning.

The notion of the absorbent mind allows the development of the child by observing the activities carried out around him by older children.

The organization of the MONTESSORI "Atmosphere" is divided into different spaces :


Sensory Activities


Practical Life Activities


Language Activities






This established order promotes well-being, autonomy, the structuring of the child's activities and his/her self-confidence.

Developmental movement activities in an environment promoting free motor skills

Sensory material :

Oculomotor coordination work (sorting of tokens, rings on rods, puzzles, embedding cylinder blocks, color box, pink tower … ).

The construction of the psyche of the child goes through the senses, he/she can explore his/her environment by having received reading keys.

Practical living equipment :

Washing hands, sweeping, unrolling / rolling up a carpet, opening and closing boxes, squeeze a sponge, transfer seeds.

By doing the gestures of daily life, the child walks on the mastery of movement and frees himself from the control of the adult.

Language :

Pockets of classifications of images, bags for objects, library, game of questions…

Language is a conquest which offers the child a social development and sensory refinement.

Beginning of art :

singing, dancing, drawing with the use of watercolor…

The benevolent and respectful presence of the adult

The adult encourages the child by his benevolent and discreet presence.

The educator stands back in order to encourage the little ones to develop their full potential, while constantly observing them to adapt to their difficulties or progress.